Saturday, April 23, 2016

Unexpected gift

A few mornings ago when I opened our living room curtains, I noticed something (or some critter) dropped on me. I didn't find it and figured it was probably an ity bity spider. Than that evening I noticed a few more. Not spiders (thankfully) but something very small with long legs. So Elijah and I took a break from smooshing the critters and researched. Baby praying mantises! Everywhere! WHAT a gift!

If you don't know, praying mantis mama's will usually lay their eggs on the backside of a leaf. And there are about one hundred eggs. (Equalling one hundred baby mantises running around the house!) But what an awesome gift of insect control for the yard and especially the gardens. Since they are predatory and carnivorous there isn't much they won't eat. (Better hide the cats.) Some will actually grow large enough to eat birds, fish, lizards, and even snakes!!(See, I told you! Hide the cats!) That's actually kind of creepy if you think about it.......
                     Pretty sure this is how they got in. Hitchhiked on the back of an azalea leaf.
So now, Elijah and I are running around with mason jars trying to catch as many as possible to release in the gardens. They are quick little boogers and so cute. I have to keep reminding myself that their closest relatives are termites and cockroaches. Thank goodness they are cannibalistic.

*******************************   Have a beautiful day  *************************
                                     And be sure to watch out for those unexpected gifts.
                                                 They come in all shapes and sizes.

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