Thursday, April 21, 2016

On pins and needles

I love waking up before the sun this time of year, don't you?  The day seems to hold so many possibilities.  And the birds?  Oh! The songs they sing at dawn. Just beautiful!

Today, I plan on learning a form of folk art called punch needle embroidery. This form of embroidery has been around since the ancient Egyptians used the bones of bird wings for their needles. (Hmmm. Think I will pass on that technique and stick to listening and enjoying their songs.) Way back in the Middle Ages they used punch needle as a means of decorating their clothing and then at some point in history, Russian immigrants  brought this form of art to America. ( The history behind these Russian immigrants is very interesting. I don't know about you, but for me, learning something, anything, that our clever and industrious forefather and mothers did for either enjoyment or sustainability  is a thrill.)  If you don't already know, the process of punch needle is very easy. Simply 'punch' the threaded needle in the fabric following your design. But when you pull the needle out you move it only slightly over and do it again, and again and again. By doing this consistently, you form small loops which becomes your design. And by adding different colors, you add depth and contrast.

I have admired punch needle folk art for a while now and am very excited to give it a try. So to start with , I will need to gather a punch needle  (funny looking thing which I hope to become very well acquainted with), lots of floss, some fabric, a hoop to hold said fabric, and of course, scissors. And a design. Hmmm.  Me thinks it would be fitting for my first project to be a bird, don't you?

Interestingly enough, I have had a vintage punch needle in my possession for the past few years - and didn't even realize it! How fitting is that?

****If you are interested in seeing some amazing punch needle folk art, visit Lori at notforgottenfarm. Her work is such an inspiration! I hope to get to visit her shop in Virginia soon.

*******************************Have a beautiful day**********************************

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